Social media is a powerful tool for personal branding, networking, and communicating with family and friends, but it can also leave you vulnerable to attacks from the insurance company after you’ve been injured in a wreck, slip and fall, or dog bite. In fact, these days, most people know that posting photos on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, or other social media platform following an accident can be dangerous. Well, let’s take a look at what happens when someone posts to social media after being in an accident.

Avoid Social Media Following a Car Accident

One of the best practices following a car accident is to avoid posting to social media. Yes, it is normal that you want to update your friends, family, and co-workers about what happened and want to share with your network how lucky you are that nobody was seriously hurt in the crash — but this could actually harm your case should you make a claim against the at-fault party’s insurance company.

The insurance company has vast resources; they will not only investigate the wreck itself, but they will also investigate who was involved in the collision. If you post about your Georgia car accident on Facebook or Instagram (or any other social media platform), there is a good chance that these posts could be used against you during the negotiations on your case. It is well-documented by industry experts, such as Edmunds, that auto insurers investigate social media posts and that your posts may affect your insurance rates and injury claims. Eventually, a jury may see what you posted on social media following the wreck, and the defense will want to use any posts against you as evidence in court.

Posting Photos to Social Media Following Your Georgia Car Wreck Could Put Your Injury Claim at Risk.

You may be tempted to post photos of your car after it has been damaged in a Georgia car wreck or about the injuries you have sustained. You might think that these posts will convey the severity of your injuries or help gather sympathy for your plight. However, such posts can actually backfire and end up hurting your personal injury claim, even if it seems unlikely that an insurer would look at them. Social media posts can be used against you by insurance companies because they can show:

  • That you were not really injured by the accident (this is especially true if there are pictures of you smiling or happy right after being hit)
  • That you knew about another driver’s fault before it was officially determined

The Auto Insurance Companies Investigate Your Claim and Will Search Your Posts and Will Use Photos and Posts on Social Media Against You.

If you post about your injuries or how bad the accident was, the insurance company can use that against you. For example, if you posted “Thankfully I’m OK from this scary wreck!” they will use your statement against you if you later seek medical treatment. The insurance company will claim you were not really injured because of your statement, and they won’t pay for it. If they don’t find any photos or posts of your injuries on social media then they will investigate the claim more closely and make sure to get all of their money back from the other driver’s insurance company instead of just letting them off because there isn’t any proof that anyone was hurt in their car wreck.

Social Media Posts and Comments Made in The Post Can Be Harmful to Your Injury Claim.

Social media posts and comments made in the post can be harmful to your injury claim.

  • Posts that show you are not injured, disabled, or suffering from emotional distress may be used against you in court.
  • Posts that show a lack of appreciation for the value of life may also be used against you in court.


If you have any questions about your own claim, we’re happy to help. Contact The Jewkes Firm injury attorneys today for free consultation on your injury claim if you have been injured in a car accident and need legal guidance. We have offices in Tyrone and Griffin.